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Prof. Francesco Trimarchi Endocrinologist

Prof. Francesco Trimarchi, Professor Emeritus already Professor at the University of Messina
exercising professional activity in Endocrinology in Messina
Via Nicola Fabrizi 131 - tel. 090 716239

He was

  • Director of the School of Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

  • Coordinator of the PhD in Endocrinology and Metabolic Sciences experimental

  • Vice Rector of the University of Messina


Publishing activity

Francesco Trimarchi is from 2013 Scientific Director of "l'ENDOCRINOLOGO" - official journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology
Author or co-author of several hundred scientific publications appeared in international journals indexed and manuals and chapters of manuals and treatises of Endocrinology


Scientific activity

Scientific activity is and has been continuous, conspicuous and often high level, as evidenced by the many papers published in international journals included in the catalog ISI and also high impact factor - IF


Scientific societies



Trimarchi Società Scientifiche




Trimarchi Premi

Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti

L’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti viene fondata a Messina nel 1729 non ultima fra le prestigiose Accademie fiorite in Italia nel sedicesimo secolo.

Erano a quel tempo attivi a Messina numerosi cenacoli dedicati prevalentemente alle Scienze Umane. Fra questi spiccava l’Accademia degli Accorti animata, fra gli altri, da Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, fondatore della iatromeccanica , progenitrice della moderna fisiopatologia e da Marcello Malpighi, precursore della medicina moderna per i suoi studi anatomo-clinici sulla patogenesi delle malattie.


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